Jouni Rajavaara, Raija Kilponen and Tiina Kilpeläinen gave the charity on the behalf of Innomentarium. Professor Hanna Ebeling on the right in the picture.
Christmas is approaching and 2019 will soon be over, it’s time to settle down to celebrate Christmas with your family and loved ones.
Christmas is traditionally a season of giving. Innomentarium wanted to share the Christmas spirit in the form of charity to the Department of Pediatric Psychiatry at Oulu University Hospital. “They are doing very important work of caring for children and young people and we wanted to donate to the clinic’s Christmas gift fund especially to them”, says founder of the company Jouni Ihme. Our whole staff felt like this was a gift of good cheer and we encourage other companies to do the same, especially during the Christmas season.
With this Christmas message, we want to thank our customers and partners for the past year, and wish you a Happy Christmas and all the best for the New Year 2020! See you again next year!
Staff of Innomentarium