Hanna Lehto, Jenni Korhonen, Anneli Holmström ja Anja Henner, Oulu University of Applied Sciences (Oamk) Mammograms have only been digitised in the 21st century and the technology is constantly [...]
COVID19 – or corona virus, as it is commonly referred to – has spread around the world and become a globally significant health threat. In addition, it is causing serious damage to [...]
Innomentarium’s FeniX as part of “Videos as a guide for developing skills in using equipment” -research
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Innomentarium’s Fenix has been part of research “Videos as a guide for developing skills in using equipment” made by students in Degree Programme in Radiography and Radiation [...]
Jouni Rajavaara, Raija Kilponen and Tiina Kilpeläinen gave the charity on the behalf of Innomentarium. Professor Hanna Ebeling on the right in the picture. Christmas is approaching and 2019 will [...]
Innomentarium participated in Medica 2019 in Düsseldorf, Germany from 18 – 21 November. It is one of the world’s largest regularly organized fairs in the field of medical technology. [...]
FeniX, the digitization solution of Instrumentarium’s Alpha and Performa mammography machines, was launched at the end of last year. The degree programme in radiography and radiotherapy at the [...]
Text: Mary Kimani Timo Liimatainen, a board-certified hospital physicist at Oulu University Hospital conducted a quality check and assurance for FeniX. In his line of work, Timo has done quality [...]
Abstract of OAMK’s X-ray students is awarded the best of the student series in Vienna – Innomentarium’s FeniX is subject of study
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Innomentarium began co-operation with the radiographer training department of the Oulu University of Applied Sciences (OAMK) last autumn. The results of the fruitful research and development [...]
FeniX, Innomentarium’s mammography machine digitization solution, was launched in late 2018. At the same time, the first clinical customer pilot was installed for trial use in the medical center [...]
Innomentarium’s solution FeniX, which has been developed to digitize analogue Performa mammograph devices, has been launched in the market in November 2018. First solution has been [...]